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Recapping a successful year

01 May 2024 8:54 AM | Jim New (Administrator)

As the end of the 2023-24 academic year draws near, we are happy to report that NFA has had one of its most successful years ever. It was a year marked by securing the largest-ever back-to-back cost of living adjustments for NSHE professionals in history, due in large part by the exceptional turn out of NFA members making public comment at Board of Regents meetings and advocacy on campus with constituents such as student leaders. We also saw restoration of long-term disability benefits, an NSHE priority, but one that past president Kent Ervin refused to let slip to the back burner. 

At the beginning of the academic year, the NFA State Board established five goals, and with a few weeks left before the year closes, we are happy to report that we have met or exceeded all of them.

Five goals:

  1. Progress toward establishing one new collective bargaining unit - It is likely that a new bargaining unit may be established shortly after the start of the 2024-25 academic year. At least one chapter is reaching the critical level of support to ensure that more than 50% of their faculty will vote in favor. Once completed, it will take the remainder of the academic year, and perhaps the next, to negotiate their first bargaining agreement with administration.

  2. Membership growth of 10% - Not only is membership growing, exceeding the 10% target by mid-January, it is accelerating. By April, growth has reached 20%, and we anticipate  22% before year-end. The story at some individual chapters is even more impressive. Both university chapters have grown about 15%, while the CSN chapter notched 19%, the TMCC chapter at 35%, and the GBC chapter a whopping 111%. In less than two years, TMCC-NFA has grown 121%, and is targeting 100 members before the end of the academic year. More than 54% of current teaching faculty at the college are now NFA members.

  3. Restoration of GBC-NFA - As noted above, not only has the GBC chapter of NFA been reactivated, it is thriving. The State Board initiated a recruitment campaign in January, and by March the chapter had more than doubled in size and a new slate of chapter officers had been elected.

  4. Quarterly newsletters - On this one we failed. The newsletters are not published quarterly because our activity has made it necessary to publish them monthly. All members receive the “Quarterly” Dispatch via email and readership exceeds 65% among the recipients.

  5. Website update - Not only has the content on the NFA website been refreshed with dynamic content, such as current news and events, on the home page, we’ve also implemented electronic forms and payments for membership applications and PAC donations. Some membership growth is directly attributable to the new on-line application form that streamlines the process for applicants.

Of course, through the year, other issues and opportunities present themselves requiring our action. The passage of SJR7 in the 2023 legislature means that Nevada voters will be asked once again to determine if the Nevada Constitution should be amended to remove the status of the Board of Regents. The ballot initiative, known as Question 1, may offer many opportunities, but also creates uncertainty. NFA is organizing a series of town hall sessions for faculty to hear from and ask questions of stakeholders on both sides of the issue. No other constituent group will be as impacted as faculty if Question 1 passes.

CSN-NFA also successfully re-opened negotiations on their collective bargaining agreement for modifications that were contingent upon the outcome of the 2023 Legislative session, which was underway when the agreement was originally approved. The modified agreement includes cost-of-living-adjustments for new faculty who were not included in the adjustments approved by the Board of Regents for fiscal years 2023-24 and 2024-25. Other changes addressed inequities in workload for faculty in studio and lab classes.

At this time, NFA Officers are working with other faculty leaders and members of the Board of Regents to update Title 4 Chapter 4 of the Board of Regents Handbook, the chapter that defines the rights of faculty members to organize for collective bargaining. The language was written over 30 years ago and has only had minor modifications since then. It is significantly outdated, and in some cases, doesn’t reflect the reality of NSHE practices. 

It’s also the time of year when we start formulating goals for the next academic year. 

Proposed 2024-25 goals:

  1. Political action: Every election is consequential, but it’s not hyperbolic to say that the 2024 election may be the most consequential ever for faculty in Nevada and the NFA. In addition to Question 1, NFA will be very actively supporting candidates who actively support us.

    1. For the Board of Regents, we will endorse only those candidates who unconditionally recognize and embrace our critical role in collective bargaining and shared governance. 

    2. For state government offices, the NFA is supporting legislative candidates who support collective bargaining and academic freedom as NFA continues its work to establish bargaining rights for NSHE professionals in state law.

  2. Membership growth - We hope for a repeat performance in growth. Another year with 15-20% growth is within reach.

  3. What can NFA do for you in the next year?  Please reach out to your chapter leaders or state NFA leaders with your suggestions or concerns.  The NFA State Board will be setting new priorities and goals at our summer strategy meeting.


Contact Us:

Office: 702-530-4NFA (4632)



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